Health & Nutrition (8th-12th)

The Health & Nutrition class, guided by Angela Ross with extensive expertise in public health and nutrition, offers a comprehensive curriculum covering a wide range of topics from the human body systems to mental health and nutrition. This course is designed to educate students on the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health, emphasizing a Biblical worldview.

Course Overview:

  • Comprehensive Health Education:
    Learn about human anatomy, genetics, mental health issues including alcohol and drug abuse, and nutritional science focusing on macro- and micronutrients.
  • Lifestyle and Wellness:
    Discuss lifestyle choices such as exercise and diet, and explore the emotional and spiritual dimensions of health.
  • Critical Health Topics:
    Engage in informed discussions about sensitive topics like reproductive health, respecting diverse family views by assigning related homework to parents.

Course Materials:

  • Textbook:
    Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition, Second Edition

Additional Information

Note to parents: The text covers The Gift of Reproduction in detail. Each family has differing views on when these topics should be covered. Therefore, I will leave it to you to teach this portion of the material at home. We may have respectful and appropriate discussions in class as certain topics arise, such as genetics, disease/disorders, and gender-specific nutrition.

Apologia recommends taking this course with 9th grade Biology, but it is not necessary.

Course Cost: $17 per month

Supply Fee: TBD

Supply fee is TBD. This is a one-time fee at the beginning of the year to cover the cost of materials for hands-on experiments and projects.

(540) 541-8226

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Meeting at West Salem Baptist


500 Turner Rd
Salem, VA 24153

Church Phone:

(540) 389-2129