Roanoke-Salem Homeschool Blog


Thoughts on Teaching Neurodivergent Kids to Read

Thoughts on Teaching Neurodivergent Kids to Read

Engaging in student-driven reading is an expert-recommended strategy to initiate the journey of teaching your child to read. At the outset, it's vital to align the reading selections closely with your child's areas of interest. This approach lays a strong foundation for building their reading skills, retention abilities, and comprehension capabilities.

To illustrate this approach, consider the experience of one of our children who derived immense joy from reading the "Dog Man" series. This choice not only captivated his interest but also provided him with a sturdy base in reading, enabling him to effectively retain and comprehend the stories. He even showcased his understanding by recounting the narratives to us, demonstrating his grasp of the material.

As he progressed in age, we adhered to the principle of tailoring his reading material to match his evolving interests. His fascination with numismatics, the art of coin collecting, prompted us to introduce him to a range of numismatic magazines when he turned ten. This deep interest acted as a powerful catalyst, propelling him to delve into complex terminology and push his reading abilities to a level far beyond what was anticipated for his grade.

Central to this approach is the recognition that success lies in identifying and embracing "quick wins," even when the reading material might not fit the conventional mold of academic reading. By allowing your child's passions to guide their reading journey, you create a dynamic learning environment where their curiosity and enthusiasm become the driving forces behind their remarkable reading achievements.

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