Roanoke-Salem Homeschool Blog


5 Struggles Former School Teachers Face When Starting Homeschooling

5 Struggles Former School Teachers Face When Starting Homeschooling
  1. Adjusting Schedule & Routine
    Homeschooling can be very different from teaching in a public school setting. Former public school teachers may struggle with the change in routine and schedule when transitioning to a homeschool setting. They may need to adapt to a different pace and style of instruction and find a new way to balance their work and personal lives.
  2. Adapting to a Different Teaching Style
    Public school teachers are trained to teach large groups of students with different learning styles and abilities. When starting homeschooling, they may need to adapt to a more individualized approach and become comfortable teaching their own children one-on-one.
  3. Finding Appropriate Curriculum and Resources
    Homeschooling requires finding appropriate curricula and resources for each child’s needs, which can be a challenge for former public school teachers. They may be accustomed to using standardized textbooks and lesson plans, but homeschooling requires a more flexible and customized approach to meet each child’s unique needs.
  4. Coping with Isolation
    Homeschooling can be a solitary experience, and former public school teachers may miss the social interactions and support networks that come with teaching in a public school setting. They may need to find ways to connect with other homeschooling families, participate in local co-ops or support groups, or utilize online resources to build a community of fellow homeschoolers.
  5. Balancing Different Roles and Responsibilities
    As a homeschooling parent, former public school teachers may need to balance their responsibilities as a teacher, parent, and caregiver. They may need to adjust their expectations and find ways to manage their time effectively to ensure that their children receive a quality education while also fulfilling their other roles and responsibilities.
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