Roanoke-Salem Homeschool Blog


What is Unschooling and What Does It Look Like On a Typical Day

What is Unschooling and What Does It Look Like On a Typical Day

Unschooling is a form of homeschooling that emphasizes student-led learning and self-directed education, rather than following a predetermined curriculum or set of learning objectives. The focus of unschooling is on learning through experience, exploration, and the pursuit of students’ interests and passions.

On a typical day, an unschooler might wake up when they feel rested and ready to start their day, rather than adhering to a strict schedule. They might spend some time pursuing a hobby or interest, such as reading, drawing, playing music, or engaging in outdoor activities. Parents or caregivers may facilitate access to resources and opportunities for their children to pursue their interests, such as taking them to the library, museum, or park.

Unschoolers may also engage in everyday activities that provide opportunities for learning, such as cooking, grocery shopping, or budgeting. They might explore topics that interest them through discussions, research, and experimentation, rather than relying solely on textbooks and classroom instruction.

One of the key features of unschooling is that learning is integrated into all aspects of daily life, rather than being confined to specific subjects or times of day. This means that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to what a typical day of unschooling looks like, as each unschooler’s experience will be unique and tailored to their interests and needs.

For more information on Unschooling, check out this interview with Kerry McDonald on her book Unschooled.

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