Roanoke-Salem Homeschool Blog

How Much Homework is Enough?
Examines the factors that determine appropriate homework amounts for students, including age, grade level, and academic ability, and emphasizes the importance of well-designed, meaningful homework that reinforces classroom learning and supports student success through teacher-parent collaboration on effective homework policies.
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Tips to Start Off Your Academic Homeschool Year Off Great!
6 tips on how to stay motivated and productive during the academic year, including setting clear academic goals, organizing your study space, creating a study schedule, building good study habits, and staying connected with teachers and classmates.
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Thoughts on Teaching Neurodivergent Kids to Read
I am looking for alternative methods to teach my two neurodivergent kids to read?
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8 Fun Things Homeschool Families Do for Fun During the Summer
Homeschool families make the most of the summer break by engaging in a variety of fun and educational activities, including outdoor adventures, science experiments, cultural immersion, and community involvement.
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Homeschooling 101: How do homeschool parents effectively instruct their kids?
Explore the various approaches to homeschooling, including teaching every class, using tutors and online resources, and participating in co-ops, highlighting the benefits of customized education and individualized attention.
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Taking Responsibility for Education: Homeschooling Requirements Explained
How Much Do Parents Have to Instruct Before it is Considered Homeschool?
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Some Homeschool for Health Reasons!
The article explores five health-related reasons why parents may choose to homeschool their children, including allergies and sensitivities, chronic illness, mental health concerns, building conditions or mold, and reducing exposure to infectious diseases.
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5 Things to Consider if Homeschooling is Right for You
Top 5 things to consider before deciding to homeschool your child, including your child's learning style, your willingness to commit, social needs, state regulations, and having a support system.
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5 Struggles Former School Teachers Face When Starting Homeschooling
Former public school teachers may struggle with adjusting to the different schedule and routine, adapting to a more individualized teaching style, finding appropriate curricula and resources, coping with isolation, and balancing their roles and responsibilities when transitioning to homeschooling.
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Top 5 Ways to Homeschool on a Tight Budget
Learn how to homeschool on a tight budget with these five tips: utilize free online resources, borrow materials from the library, use open-source educational software, find free or low-cost homeschooling co-ops, and focus on hands-on learning activities.
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